Tuesday, 17 July 2018

ramble on

These are two pieces i made last week in an attempt to get my confidence back with my work. I'm not sure why but lately I've really felt like i have lost my way with my work, landscapes have always been I felt my strongest point so these are two ideas I played with. Sometimes I do struggle a little with deciding whether to go crazy with collage throughout the image or just to add it for texture here or there and make it more realistic. I don't know. I think soon when I have finished my job and back to being a penniless artist I'll spend some time just doing pieces that I feel happy with and more importantly i like regardless of what others may think because that's when I feel I am at my best.

The Magic Stones

 This was a piece i made recently that I have had at the back of my mind for a long time. When I was little and I was enthralled by fairies, witches and magic i remember watching a short series back in the 90s called Merlin (no not the BBC tv series) and I remember seeing stone circles. Since then I always was captivated by the idea and my imagination went wild. When I finally went there with my family i was so disappointed by the stonehenge of today. All the mysticism and atmosphere had completely gone to be replaced by a busy road, the tourism and worst a fence which stopped you even going near the stones. The illustration i created is the stonehenge I imagined and I wanted to give it a timeless feel as well, it's the way i wished it was today still the magical and sacred pagan land.